Thursday, September 16, 2010

Our focus for this blog would be mainly general discussion about cars and probably we will specify the technical specifications of the cars we will be talking about. On a day-to-day basis we will talk about different brands, makes and the models. At a first glance, be on the watch for our car reviews and what we think about them, or what we think other people think of them. Hopefully our audience will consist of people that generally appreciate and enjoy cars. What will keep people coming back to our blog is that we will try to put up information, reviews and facts about cars that people will not find easily anywhere else. The personality of the blog as a whole will be just casual so that people can find almost anything they are looking for relating to a car. Car-man74 will be looking into car culture deeply and abby would be looking into foreign cars in detail and providing information about them. We plan to keep this site regularly updated so that whenever readers visit our blog they can find something new and interesting. It can be compared to other blogs in the sense that we will try to provide information that is different from other blogs and what people really want. We will basically be doing what car bloggers love, ranting about the cars we adore.

Other Car Blogs:

Car and Driver

Auto Week

Motor Trend

Truck Trend

The Car Blog

Road and Track



Automotive Blogs


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