Tuesday, December 7, 2010

DuPont recently came out with its annual report about what colors are the most popular in the world. This study involves 11 different regions including includes North America, China, Russia, Europe, and India.

The most popular colors globally are:

1. Silver

2. Black

3. Grey and white tie at 16% of global sales.

The most popular colors in North America are:

1. White

2. Black

3. Silver

So congratulations to the world were about as exciting overall as a black and white movie.

I personally love cars that have some color to them (my own is blue and white). But in some cases you have to go with one of the more neutral colors. For example, when purchasing an Audi A8, S-class Mercedes, and BMW 7 series, black and white are the way to go. You can get silver to and maybe a midnight blue, but those don’t take the classy elegance of the cars very seriously. A red A8 would look silly, and can you really imagine a blue S-class?

So up to a certain point I can understand why the color choices would be dull. But for the average car? I guess people are just dull. I shouldn’t be that harsh though because most cars simply look best in those colors. Take a popular car like the Honda civic. Any other color besides black and silver look to outlandish for most people, or to some simply badass. To go with a color such as blue is making a statement instead of just blending as well. I don’t have the time or degree to say why people choose what color (they might not even care) but I think the world would be a little more fun if we spruced it up a bit.

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